
(Custom Audios)

Commission Audio Information

Oof, well...I did it! This is a huge scary step into the next part of my audio adventure. I went back and forth with this for a long time but there seems to be at least a little bit of interest in having custom audios as an option. So here we go!

The graphic below gives you a very minimal breakdown of the options available. I encourage you to take a trip over to the form to read a much more detailed overview of what you can expect if you choose to pursue obtaining a custom audio from me.

Couple of important things I want to highlight:

    • Payment is required before I will begin work on your audio. It can be done through CashApp or a custom listing through Throne. Once payment has been received I will begin working on your audio and will have it complete in 1-2 weeks.

    • I will not issue refunds for any audio created*. Be sure you come prepared to the collaboration phase with clear detailed notes and ideas for your audio.* 

    • I will not do revisions unless I did something wrong*. What that means is if you hear the custom audio and realize you wanted something else, that doesn't count as me doing something wrong. This is why a clear and detailed idea of your concept is imperative. What is included is if I use a name or term that you specifically mentioned to avoid or if I mispronounce your name, I will revise free of charge.*

    • I do not authorize any attempt, past, present, or future, to use my audios or voice to train AI or to create synthetic/cloned voices for machine learning.

    • I retain the right to refuse any request without explanation.

Like with anything in life, you don't know what you don't know, so please keep in mind that this is a new experience and I will be learning as I go. The information currently listed could change at a moments notice due to encountering something I hadn't thought of before.

Having said all of that, hopefully it hasn't scared you away and this is another fun thing we get to experience together. Thank you for taking the time reading all of this and the form, I know it's wordy. I appreciate and am humbled by the thought of you considering a custom audio from me.

xoxoxo Arden 💋

Commissions Audio Form