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Blog like posts where I share thoughts and feelings about all kinds of things.
#1: Wishful Thinking
Hello my loves. Well I thought this might be an interesting piece to add to my regular content, hopefully you enjoy it as well. There really isn't going to be any rhyme or reason to these particular ramblings; pretty much just what comes to mind that I would like to share. Couple of notes to share to prepare yourself for reading these posts. 1. I swear. Sometimes a lot, sometimes not so much. If it is troublesome, skip the word. 2. My brain squirrels quite a lot sometimes. I will try and edit as best I can but know that there may be incomplete thoughts that I just forget to revisit after going on a tangent.
This first post I thought I would share what my wishful thinking is for the future and what I hope to see manifest along my audio journey. I am one that doesn't really like goals. I find that goals tend to be a hard line for me in my brain with little wiggle room. I think they can set you up for disappointment because life likes to happen quite a lot and tends to get in the way of completing said goals which can then lead into a spiral of all sorts of negative. So I like to place things firmly in the 'well this would be nice, but am okay if it doesn't'. What does that then look like for what I hope to achieve here? Well a few things really.
I think the most important aspect for me in this audio adventure is just to make people feel good. I love so very much to make someone's day just a bit better compared to before our interaction, whatever that may be. Maybe it's one of the erotic audios, maybe is one of the safe for work audios, a poetry reading, or maybe a nice little chat. Whatever it is, whatever avenue you have elected to go down, I hope that I can bring just a small glimmer of good at the end our time together. There is so much negativity in our world today and finding the bits that burn a little brighter in the darkness are necessary. In my mind the good doesn't even need to be a positive thing. Toxic positivity is a bane on many people's lives and I think that it's okay not to find the silver lining in every single thing that happens. Shit happens and it's not fair and it really really sucks. Well feel that! Feel all the emotions and don't try and brush them under the rug. Your emotions are there for a reason and all of them need their recognition, good, bad, and ugly.
This brings me to the next point really. I really would love to build a community that is authentic and where people can come and feel what they need to feel, be who they want to be, with no judgement and no shame (whispered side note: let's use our big brains here and understand that illegal and immoral things are off the table, yeah? Okay, good. Good talk.) I want a place where someone can come and talk with anyone in the same community and feel seen, feel like they can talk about anything and everything leaving the shame, scared, and/or embarassed, at the door. Having a collective understanding amongst everyone that we are human beings with complex feelings and emotions; we are far from perfect and shouldn't be expected to be. We mess up, sometimes big, we can react before we take a moment to think, but really at the end of the day we are people who care about each other and the likeminded individuals we like to surround ourselves with. Building a community where you won't get blasted by everyone saying oh just find the sliver lining in whatever fucked up thing life has going for you at that moment. Instead you will find someone that will hold your hand and scream into the void with you, vent your frustrations to, have a pity party with because YES WE ALL GET TO DO THAT. It's okay to have woe is me moments. It's okay to be envious of others and the good they have, but being tempered with compassion, empathy, and genuine joy for those that have the good things in life. We should all applaud people who are going through their relative up in life even if you are in a down slump. Don't begrudge people for their good.
And lastly, I would really love to do this full time. Being able to express and share my creative soul on a regular and full time basis is a dream. Man I would love nothing more than to be able to immerse myself in the world that is the creative and live there for the rest of my life. Sharing audios, sharing my art, sharing my love of books and all the other things I am passionate about while reaching and connecting with people who feel the same. Man that's it right there. Sharing passions with other passionate people is next level and something to strive for. I literally can't think of anything better than being able to create for a living. Getting out of the 9-5 corporate rat race and dive into all things that feed my soul. This is the little hopeful fire that I make sure is shielded most of the time because I don't want it to be doused by dour expectations. BUT this little hopeful light here, burns so hot and so very bright that I hope something comes along that allows me to stoke the fire that much more.
Wishful thinking indeed. I try and keep my expectations in check because I am notorious for letting the disappintment settle in. So would these things be awesome if they happened? Fuck yeah. Do I anticipate them happening? No, not really. I know I can't please everyone, and I can't make everyone happy. Maybe I will do or say something unitentionally that pisses someone off. There are so many negative possibilities that I just stay in my lane and keep the small little embers of wishful thinking burning but shielded until opportunities present themselves for more.
Let me close this first ramble out with mentioning again that these posts will be full of scattered thoughts and feelings. This means that there could be thoughts that aren't completely fleshed out, maybe something is written or conveyed poorly. Misunderstandings happen and thoughts get squirrely; if you encounter something like this I ask for you to take a moment and give some grace. I will never intentionally do anything to hurt someone. I will be completely intentional and convey it very clearly if it were to ever happen. I never move forward with malicious intent in anything. Being on the receiving end of some shitty situations makes me very aware of them and I make it a point to not do the same. I know how that feels and I never want to be the one to cause that feeling in anyone else.
Yeah so that's enough of that. If you've read this far, you, my love, are amazing. Thank you. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for being here. Thank you for supporting me. Most of all though, thank you for being the amazing human being that you are. Keep shining love. Your light is needed in this world.
xoxoxo Arden 💋