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Start with a membership tier
Basic support tier with access to a few posts every month. There will be a few hand chosen posts by yours truly that you will be able to enjoy; audios, visuals, or art to name a few. This tier does not offer any additional perks. You will be able to see a couple exclusive audios and photography posts.
For those wanting to support the creative journey I am on. Access to all the creative and crafty content including but not limited to photography, crafts, writing, art and maybe a few visual treats thrown in here and there. This will mostly be SFW content but some of the art and photography will be NSFW/erotic in nature.
For those wanting to support the erotica journey I am on. Access to all the delicious sounds made by yours truly along with some visual treats here and there. This will be NSFW content both in terms of audio and the visual treats; which will include photography and some video snippets.
This will include access to all of the SFW and NSFW content.